You know what's sad? ...when you've spent a month working on a song that describes your state of mind, and then you hear one that describes it so much better than you ever could.
My best friend recently burned a CD for me of a new broadway show in previews called, "I Love You Because" My favorite song in the entire show is called, "Alone" and it truly describes my state of mind for the past...I'd say 7 years (no...seriously).
Lyrics, go:
Remember that night when I met you, when you both hung out here in the bar?
I said to my friend there I bet you, those two they won't make it very far!
He couldn't discuss any topic...he could've chosen: baseball, football, croquet.
So why'd he have to choose her?
What a lame, pathetic loser.
You don't need him anyway!
Alone you are better off--trust me it's true!
You don't need him there to always care about every little thing that you do.
Alone means that your life plans aren't always set in stone.
Trust me! --you're better off alone...right?
Hey, you ready to go?
This is my friend...uhh...Marcie. She's rediscovering single hood!
WELCOME BACK! Maybe one night you were thinking, I'll stay in and give nichi a stab. Then again...I could just go out drinking until I puke in the back of a cab!
People would say Marcie that's are better than that!
But hey! --now his opinion doesn't matter, go ahead and do the latter! You don't need him anyway! Alone you do want never what he wants instead--
Not up each night in a stupid fight--when the two of us should both be in bed.
Alone means you never swoon at the smell of his cologne...Cause that's just stupid...You're better off alone, right?
Yeah...stupid Old Spice!
Alright? We're going to get going...good luck!
Well, we work in a bar...We're pretty much therapists who ENCOURAGE you to drink!
One day I might land a meeting with a man who takes photos in France. I don't need someone begging and pleading, "Honey, stay and give our love a chance!" I'll go wherever I want to--I won't stay where I don't want to stay. I'll leave tomorrow or whenever, and I might just stay forever--I don't need him anyway!
Alone means I'll never be so blinded by romance. I can act on a whim, not have to check with six or seven months in advance. Alone means I'm never hurt; this is what this night has shown. I think it's clear to see...I'm better off alone.
I need him anyway. More than any man I've ever known...Feeling hurt with him is better than feeling free alone.
God damned musicals. How true you are.
One day soon I will write an upbeat entry...I promise! --and have nothing to do with the male species WHAT SO EVER.