Monday, August 13, 2007

And then there were three...

You know what bugs me? ...when people bail out on a party. Tonight, we started out with a solid 6 people playing Andre Pong. Yes, we have a beer pong table and believed that we could play 3 on 3. Solid. So, we played 2 games of said "Andre Pong," which was pretty freaking amazing (I was even there to witness a close friend's first time playing a legitimate game of ANYTHING pong). So, after two rounds we lost the first. Albeit, he has work in the morning and works at a real office from 9-5, but I hadn't seen him since we won SONGFEST together, so it was sad to see him go.

Then, we played the classic game "Pretty Pretty Princess," -- everyone's favorite childhood game...but we added some classic rules to transform it into "Pretty Pretty Drunk Princess" -- and yes, there were boys playing. After this, we lost yet ANOTHER! She passed out. In fact, it was her first time getting drunk, and I was glad to be a witness (I'm a HUGE fan of this girl, and I was ecstatic to be able to be there for her...first time). One worker, and one passed out...we were now down to 4!

Yet, one of the 4 was pretty grumpy, and actually unenthusiastic, much to my dismay. ...Because, he's usually a HUGE partier, and someone that's pretty important in my life...but no, he had us walk him home at around 11:30. At which time, one guy decided to get some more booze from his car to make the walk home more interesting.

And then there were 3. Lucky 3.

In a flash of drunkenness, we decided to walk the passed out girl home and make friends along the way. In the dorms where she's an RA, we made friends with the tri-state swimming competition teams (Canada, California, and Mexico). Turns out that Mexico had lost the whole competition, but they were pretty much winning because they were hanging out with all the hot girls from the other teams (SCORE MEXICO!...I knew you were that shady). Then, California introduced us to guy with hands in his pants, who was a bit paranoid about his coach, who apparently was in the room next door. And Canada was nowhere to be found -- after winning the competition, they peaced the fuck out of our campus. FINE, Canada...we didn't want you anyway!

After making friends with Mexicans and Californians alike, we decided to go on a fountain, I'm not sure if everyone knows what a fountain run is...but, sidenote: I was wearing a white dress, and still did it. The department of public safety (DPS) actually drove up and told us to go take a shower because we didn't know what was in the fountains we'd been wading in. Solid, DPS. Solid.

In the fountain, we had an epiphany. That those lame asses who had departed through the evening were not true fact, they were not enjoying the central tendency bias of life: DRUNKENNESS. Which, apparently, I'm still enjoying. Oh, drunk fountain good you are to me.

Now, we're still down to three. After exploring abandoned film equipment, stealing highway cones, and accidentally calling mother's, there's not much else to explore tonight except for sleep.

Just know...the three that remained...had an AMAZING night. (FIST PUNCH!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time I shall plan ahead. And we shall totally ohcrapninja their asses again.