Friday, August 10, 2007

Tom Tancredo is an idiot

Last month, Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Colorado congressman and Republican presidential hopeful, remarked on an Orlando, FL radio show that if nuclear weapons were set off in the United States by Islamic fundamentalists, we could respond by "taking out their holy sites" like Mecca.

Now, I'm sure that if nuclear weapons were set off in the United States, the reaction would be swift and destructive, but Tancredo's statement (which, according to, was quickly dismissed by the State Department as "reprehensible" and "absolutely crazy") is like telling your girlfriend that she could stand to lose some weight – it’s just one of those things you don’t say out loud because no good could possibly come of it.

In fact, I’m not sure which is my favorite part of the story's epilogue, Tancredo’s assertion that he was just “throwing out some ideas” (I have an idea too, and it involves Tom Tancredo not spouting reactionary nonsense) or senior Tancredo adviser Bay Buchanan's declaration that “this shows them that we mean business.” No, Ms. Buchanan, this is a stupid, idle threat – finding Osama Bin Laden would show them that we mean business. When did we start trying to out-crazy the crazies?

I suppose it's about what we should expect from a presidential candidate whose platform is built primarily on kicking immigrants out of the country, but I'm just having a little trouble believing that anyone in their right mind would actually consider voting for this clown. Or, at least, I WISH that I had trouble believing that...

God bless America, indeed. We could use the help.


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