Saturday, August 11, 2007

"Slacker Cats": A new low in family television

So, I was watching the football classic, “Little Giants” today (by the way, why does TV Guide list the stars of this movie as Rick Moranis and Ed O’Neill when the stars are clearly the Icebox – who, incidentally, has grown into quite the young woman, according to Google Images – Devon Sawa, and that little nerdy kid that blows snot bubbles?) when I was caught off guard by a commercial for ABC Family’s new show, “Slacker Cats.”

Billed as "an outrageous and decidely grown up series about a group of cats and the humans from whom they free-load," the show features felines who drink heavily, make sexual innuendoes and generally "violate all standards of public decency." According to Reuters, reference is made to "faking purrs, mind-altering drugs, 'kitty' porn and credit card theft," all within the first 15 minutes of the premiere episode, which airs Monday at 10 pm.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I think "Slacker Cats" sounds pretty awesome, but what the hell, ABC Family? I know the show is meant to air after bedtime but let's be honest -- what self-respecting adult (besides myself) sits around watching your network? Not that I have any problem with corrupting the minds of small children, but is this really what families in this country have come to -- pets with dirty mouths and a taste for tequila?

God, I hope so. Watch it!


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