Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's getting close....

Only a week and a half until my birthday --- so you know what that means!...I start planning my birthday (it's a big deal...I get an entire month, usually). Yes, I'm turning 20 in glorious white trash style. First, we'll be dining at a classy joint, you may have heard of it: Hooters. Then, we'll be treking to a karaoke bar, where I plan on singing 80s power ballads, and probably a lot of Britney.

So, in honor of my FANTASTIC birthday bash, I thought I should show what inspired me to choose karaoke in the first place. It's a clip from "Keeping the Faith." Enjoy!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Oh the anger!

So, I'm extremely angry right now. I feel like if this had happened to me over the usmmer, I would just be sad...but now I've moved past the year mark, and I'm just angry. And...I wish I could vent about it to this fun little blog, but...I feel like that would be counter productive to my life. So, instead, I'm going to pull a "High Fidelity" and do a top 5 angriest songs list:

5. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
4. Unwanted - Avril Lavigne (what?...don't judge me.)
3. Eminem - Kim
2. Godsmack - Awake
1. Bob Dylan - Masters of War (when in doubt: blame it on the man)

Yeah.....those will help. A LOT. That, and probably a very long singing session in the car tomorrow when I wake up.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hope this never happens to me.....

Last Friday, Courtney's job gave her a free copy of Knocked Up, and since then...we've watched it...I'm going to approximate...4 times?

I forgot how amazingly funny it actually was, and what made me love Seth Rogen...but really Paul Rudd (let's be honest)

But what's even better than the movie itself are the special features. Honestly, the title screen for the DVD plays a song called "Swing" by Savage, and plays an extended scene of the two of them drunkenly dancing at the club...I swear, we just put the title screen on for about 20 minutes and danced with them (hysterically laughing all the while). Not that this had any profound meaning of my life, or is necessarily blog worthy, but I had not laughed that hard in a REALLY long time. And I've also been bet that next time we go out, I have to do the entire dance sequence...Katherine Heigl style ("He's using the dice too's really all he's got")

Also, check out the "line-o-rama" and the gag reel...because they are equally hilarious. My personal favorite is when the doctor screams at Seth Rogen with "Go to Korea!"

It's inappropriate, it's hilarious--what more could you need?

Definitely invest in a copy of this fantastic DVD! Favorite scene is below:

Now I'm off to a screening of Lars and the Real Girl -- hopefully it'll be equally as entertaining.