Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So many exciting things, so little time!

Yes, I've been completely MIA for the past week -- but that is because so many exciting things are happening in the life of Charlotte Lewis.

First, recruitment is finally over. We have an amazing class of new girls who I absolutely love (...and have already started partying with!). But, they're definitely keeping my hands full--not that I mind!

Second, class and work may be legitimately taking over my life...BUT, it led me to meet one of my idols: Josh Schwartz. Yes, at my television symposium none other than Josh Schwartz was the guest lecturer to promote his new shows Gossip Girl and Chuck. Both of which I'm definitely going to watch. Now, Gossip Girl may be so bad that it's good (take Dawson's Creek, One Tree Hill, and the OC and add a little more cheesy soap opera to it...and then you get Gossip Girl), but with Kristen Bell as the narrator and the lovely Penn Badgley know I'm going to never miss an episode. Also, Chuck was truly entertaining. Take a show like The Office and put it into an ALIAS type spy drama and you get Chuck. Chuck may seem like an ordinary nerd...working at a Best Buy on their technical team...until one day his old college roommate (who happens to be a CIA agent) sends Chuck an email filled with government secrets that imprint themselves onto Chuck's mind...making him invaluable to both the NSA and CIA. Ridiculous, right? Ridiculously AMAZING--that's what I have to say.

Also, Josh Schwartz completely fulfilled my expectations. If his girlfriend weren't so amazingly beautiful I would have stepped in that evening to try and steal him away (damn him, he has his own Summer). But just to give you a feel for the guy's sense of humor, to the question "How do you feel about shows like Laguna Beach, The Hills, and The Real OC ripping off your show?" he replied, "I KNOW, RIGHT? ...where's my check?" I spent a good portion of the lecture in hysterical laughter and with my friends turning to me saying, "OMG, he's your ideal man." ...Also, he's taller than me (SCORE!)

Now, my sorority little sis and grandlittle sis both work for Trojan Vision...a USC owned tv station that actually gets some airplay, and they have their own show. They informed me that they're going to bring Josh Schwartz onto their show, and have me come as well! SCORE!!!...maybe my seduction can finally begin (bring a little Anna into this competition). And, they want me to be a guest blogger for their show's blog and then maybe have me on the show to promote "Scale of Death" -- so how cool is that?

Blogging + Josh Schwartz ... it could be my lucky break!

Well, with that said..this means that I'm going to actually have to blog every day (GASP! -- I know you're excited).

There is more in my life...but perhaps I'll save that for later in the week. Wish me luck in making time for...well...a life.

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