Monday, August 20, 2007

Heidi Fleiss, Jenna Jameson endorse Hillary Clinton; somewhere, Bill's knees are knockin'

It would seem, according to the Internet, that both Heidi Fleiss (former "Hollywood Madam" and current owner of a laundromat somewhere in rural Nevada) and Jenna Jameson (every 13-year old boy's first sexual experience) have come out in the last few months in favor of Hillary Clinton in the upcoming presidential race.

Said Fleiss, who is apparently a politico because she aspires to open a brothel in Nevada called "The White House" (I'm sure Bill will feel right at home), "I'm a big fan of Hillary's. Any woman who's smart, how can you not be? Even if you're a Republican, if you're a woman and you're smart, you have to respect her."

Jameson, in an interview with whose topics ranged from the possibility of motherhood (let's hope she keeps a therapist on retainer for when that kid discovers Google) to the benefits of natural vs. fake breasts, said that having a woman president "would be a step in the right direction for our country" and also suggested, in a classic instance of stating the obvious, that "the Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry."

Despite the facetious declaration on -- which carried the Heidi Fleiss story on its "Political Ticker" -- that the former madam's endorsement "might not be greeted with open arms", I cannot think of a less relevant piece of non-news. Everybody already knows that the Democrats are backed by degenerates and terrorists (we put the "party" back in "political party"), so I'm not really sure what the big deal is. In fact, what confuses me most about this story is why Heidi Fleiss and Jenna Jameson -- two women who, at one point or another, have given blowjobs for a living -- were being interviewed about their political views in the first place, and how this made it onto I can kind of understand the "Political Notebook" of the Las Vegas Review Journal, but CNN? Really?

Look, I like porn stars and prostitutes just as much as the next guy, but are we really that starved for stories about the 2008 presidential race that this is what we have to resort to? Is there nothing else going on in the world? Some kind of war, perhaps, where there have been 3,700 American casualties in the last four years?

No? Okay -- just checking.


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