Friday, September 28, 2007

Must have blue eyes and love Star Wars

Let me start off this ever depressing rant with a little anecdote. The other night at an obscenely late hour where NO person should still be awake (except for maybe vampires), my best friend and I were gossiping about our lives (typical), and she told me that our friend [Nick] told her this:

"Did you ever notice how [Mary] is always awkward around me? ...I think it's because gay men are the only people that she can't seduce."

(the names of those parties involved have been changed to protect them...and me, cause...i was gossiping about them)

Then I had this marvelous epiphany about my own love life. My life is just like that -- but the opposite. I'm only awkward around those people that I could possibly seduce--that's why I always end up being in love with unavailable guys. Seriously, lets list it out: gay, 10 years too old for me (30 years, what what!), emotionally unavailable, still in love with their ex, living in a different country, spanish catholic/from an anti-semitic family...the list goes on.

My little sister has had this ridiculous list of requirements that her future has to have (she came up with it when she was about 6 years old). You know, like...he has to be older than me, taller than me, wealthy, want kids, blond hair, no curly hair, etc, etc. I always made fun of her for it, naturally, but now I'm starting to think that maybe if I had a list I could avoid the unavailable ones...Who knows?

So--I spent many a day thinking about my own personal requirements and kept digging myself a more and more ridiculous hole. After going to see The Jane Austen Book Club I realized that I only have to requirements:

1. Must have blue eyes
2. Must love Star Wars

And I'm going to ignore the fact that both of those requirements are present in my own father....maybe I should add a third requirement...Jewish? Have an accent? Oh well, I'll work on it. Anyway, here's my ideal man--too bad he's also unavailable (he's just a fictional character...sad times) Anyone out there in real life like this one? ...Bueller?

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