Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Censorship my a**!

Last night the telecast of the 39th annual Emmy's aired. Now, I'm a big TV person...in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only people in the nation who is proud of having watched almost every single one of the shows nominated. (it's a talent, what can I say?).

The show aired on FOX, so naturally I thought we were in for a wild/slightly unprofessional evening (I mean, if Ryan Seacrest is hosting...you know you're in for quite the night). Boy, was I right. The show started off with FOX shamelessly promoting one of its own shows with a musical number by Brian and Stewie Griffin (from Family Guy), along with a hysterical outburst from Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert calling Steve Carrell to accept the Emmy for a missing Ricky Gervais, a win for Al Gore in the "interactive category" (whatever that may be...the man now has an Oscar winning movie, and is responsible for a new category at the Emmys), and starring Jeremy Piven as the butt of every joke...but what annoyed me more than Ryan Seacrest running out in a Mariachi outfit was the constant censorship that accompanied this years awards show.

I understand that sometimes when an overexcited star wins an award, they may blurt out an explotive that may need to be bleeped (aka Katherine Heigl's "holy sh*t" accompanied by, "my mom told me that I didn't have a chance in hell at winning tonight), but what about an entire segment? Apparently the tribute to the Sopranos had to be completely cut to commercial, and only those who attended the Emmys this year truly know why. Is it so wrong as a loyal fan of The Sopranos that I wanted to hear what James Gandolfini and a completely overlooked Edie Falco had to say about their seven season run on HBO? ...I don't think so! Let me hear them, and let them be heard. And if Sally Fields wants to say "goddamned" on live television at 10 pm when her show is already almost soft core porn...don't you think she should be able to?

At least the show didn't censor these amazing moments of the evening:
1. Ryan Seacrest telling Hayden Penetierre that they sat Jeremy Piven on the opposite side of the auditorium because she just turned 18.
2. TR jumping out of his seat to hug and kiss his favorite hag, and new Emmy winner, Katherine Heigl.
3. Brad Garrett telling some scantily clad actress that she just made Charlie Sheen's "to do list"
4. Steven Colbert coming onstage with a leaf blower that was powered by "Al Gore's tears"
5. Terry O'Quinn's rightfully deserved win for best supporting actor in a drama series, and then thanking a teary eyed Michael Emerson, and then commenting on how he'd like to live on Wisteria Lane...and maybe get one of their checks (gotta love those losties)
6. A sing off between Kanye West and Rainn Wilson to "the songs of Kanye West"
7. A stellar duet between Christina Aguilera and Tony Bennett
8. James Spader saying he felt like he just robbed the mob after winning over James Gandolfini for best actor in a drama series.
9. Elaine Stritch being a DRUNKEN fool, and almost flashing the camera.
10. Tony Bennett winning 3 Emmys and looking suprised EVERY single time.

All in all, it was a fantastic evening...but, stop f***ing censoring everyone, FOX!

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