Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"C" is for...

Tonight I watched a most disturbing movie called London. Now, I'm not really sure why I watched it...because I'm still depressed and I watched it about 2 hours ago. But anyway, the jyst of the story is that Chris Evans found out that Jessica Biel (his girlfriend) was cheating on him on their two year anniversary...therefore, they break up. The movie takes place 6 months past their break-up, and the poor guy is still pining away for her, even though she's clearly moved on..and is in fact moving out of the country (without telling him, no less). ...Whatever, Jessica Biel is a slut no matter what. Anyway, the movie takes place at her going away party where Chris Evans and his drug dealer have a coke party in the bathroom because he's too much of a coward to face talking to her (apparently he let things slide for two months and is scared shitless to talk her).

This scene happens to be one of my favorites. Not that this is a quality movie, by any means, but simply because it's so amazingly ridiculous. I can never get back that hour and a half of my life, but at least I feel better about my own (minus the horrible depressed feeling that followed the end of the film where she leaves to go live with her new boyfriend):

Why, god, why did I watch this movie? I don't know...I'm blaming it on Neosha. But anything where the "c" word is used at every possible moment (a word so offensive that it took me until this year to even be able to say it), is something that is going to leave an impression...that's for sure.

So, Chris Evans: get over it, Jessica Biel: you're a slut, and Jason Stathaim: you're one crazy guy. All in all...I believe it was an evening well spent (or it will at least be well remembered).

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