Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How cute were we?

Tripp Lake reminiscing is the only thing making me happy right now, so...I'm doing some. Enjoy the randomness of the pictures.

I can't believe this was 4 years ago. It seems like yesterday. This is me and Lizzy on our Winter Weekend in 2003. I think I had a bit too much fun playing with the contrast and color, but whatevs.

Oh, the video shack. Too many good times were spent in there. One tiny room: me, Chip...now you understand why I got into film, haha.

Me and my favorite boys...Woods 4 boys, that is. I never laugh as hard as I do when I'm singing with Chris J, or being completely ridiculous with Chip...clearly.

I can't freaking wait for CCR: NY!!!!
Wish you could be a part of this, right?....YEAHHHH. Can't wait.


I'm really trying to be positive here...but I'm positive that the world just doesn't want me to be happy anymore. If the world wanted me to be happy, it would have given me something to be happy about by now, don't you think?

This semester has probably been one of the roughest of my entire life (except for maybe the year we moved and my dad moved out).

It all started this summer with a family meltdown, that I don't feel particularly inclined to get into, but it led me to leave home and be homeless.

Until I found this amazing house with these amazing people and this amazing guy who is perfect for me...who conveniently didn't feel the same way. FUN TIMES.

Then, I was thrilled to come back to school and participate in recruitment...my absolute FAVORITE time of year -- and then we had our worst recruitment since rebuilding the house in the early 90s...yes, seriously. So, with house morale down about recruitment, I felt really good about running for VP Recruitment and changing things up.

So, naturally, on the day that my biological little sister tells me she wants to kill herself, my sorority little sister tells me she's going to run against me for VP Recruitment because, naturally, she can do a better job than me...after never being on the recruitment committee. Apparently people felt that way, too, because they just voted her in.

Thanks, Alpha Chi.

And on top of this, all I want to do is be happy. But it just seems like an impossibility. Especially now that I've finished Dr. Quinn I have nothing to do after 2 am. Clearly, my body doesn't let me sleep until at least 4.

Oh, and did I mention that my best friend just told me that he's graduating in May and possibly moving far far away?

I'm beginning to think that God enjoys watching my life as a very sad melodrama. Do you, God? Do you enjoy watching me cry every night??? Because I, for one, am getting pretty sick of it. Just give me some semblance of happiness...seriously, anything would suffice.

I just can't stand it anymore. Please give me something to be happy about.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Back by popular request...

Apparently a month without blogging goes noticed...You think I'm kidding, but seriously...people actually check this thing still. Woo! Go me.

Anyway, this past month has been too packed for my liking. Keeping busy is one thing, but having no time for anything else is quite another. Except for movies, for some reason. I can't get enough of them.

Speaking of which: GO SEE AMERICAN GANGSTER! I don't care who you are or what your favorite type of movie is...it's a classic. It's this side of the 80s "Scarface." Take away the fact that Ridley Scott is my directing idol, and Russell Crowe is my all time favorite actor, and it's still a completely amazing film. In fact, most of my favorite scenes revolve around the devilishly dashing, Denzel Washington. Who else can get away with playing a character who makes friends with Chang Kai Shek and buys straight heroin on a random trip to Bangkok. Meanwhile delivering the line, "Why are they naked?....So they can't steal anything." Explaining a group of naked women making heroin in the projects of Harlem. In fact, Denzel is so fantastic that you even root for him a little bit (what's wrong with rooting for the bad guy?--well nothing, except that Russell Crowe is the gleaming beacon of light as the good guy). I don't want to give away the ending, but let me just say that the scene that finally contains both Denzel and Russell in the same room...well...I want to be part of THAT threesome (DIBS!). Hmm, Ridley you beat me this time!

On another note--I finally finished watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman on DVD. All 7 seasons (that's 49 disks AND a made for TV movie)...I started in late June, and just finished two nights ago. No, seriously. 5 months of my life GONE (to Joe Lando, though, so I'm not really complaining). It seems like quite an accomplishment, but now I just don't know what to do with my insomnia habit. When it gets to 2 am I guess I'm going to have to start blogging again instead of popping in a DVD and drifting to sleep watching Jane Seymore and Joe Lando save lives on the Colorado Springs frontier. Perhaps I'll start another series...Six Feet Under is somewhere on my queue I think...maybe Roswell? --or if my mom actually buys me the new ANGEL box set for Hannukah, haha...hmmm.

Oh well. Sorry for the lack of cohesiveness...I'm a bit out of practice. Until later, Lewis: out.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's getting close....

Only a week and a half until my birthday --- so you know what that means!...I start planning my birthday (it's a big deal...I get an entire month, usually). Yes, I'm turning 20 in glorious white trash style. First, we'll be dining at a classy joint, you may have heard of it: Hooters. Then, we'll be treking to a karaoke bar, where I plan on singing 80s power ballads, and probably a lot of Britney.

So, in honor of my FANTASTIC birthday bash, I thought I should show what inspired me to choose karaoke in the first place. It's a clip from "Keeping the Faith." Enjoy!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Oh the anger!

So, I'm extremely angry right now. I feel like if this had happened to me over the usmmer, I would just be sad...but now I've moved past the year mark, and I'm just angry. And...I wish I could vent about it to this fun little blog, but...I feel like that would be counter productive to my life. So, instead, I'm going to pull a "High Fidelity" and do a top 5 angriest songs list:

5. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
4. Unwanted - Avril Lavigne (what?...don't judge me.)
3. Eminem - Kim
2. Godsmack - Awake
1. Bob Dylan - Masters of War (when in doubt: blame it on the man)

Yeah.....those will help. A LOT. That, and probably a very long singing session in the car tomorrow when I wake up.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hope this never happens to me.....

Last Friday, Courtney's job gave her a free copy of Knocked Up, and since then...we've watched it...I'm going to approximate...4 times?

I forgot how amazingly funny it actually was, and what made me love Seth Rogen...but really Paul Rudd (let's be honest)

But what's even better than the movie itself are the special features. Honestly, the title screen for the DVD plays a song called "Swing" by Savage, and plays an extended scene of the two of them drunkenly dancing at the club...I swear, we just put the title screen on for about 20 minutes and danced with them (hysterically laughing all the while). Not that this had any profound meaning of my life, or is necessarily blog worthy, but I had not laughed that hard in a REALLY long time. And I've also been bet that next time we go out, I have to do the entire dance sequence...Katherine Heigl style ("He's using the dice too much...it's really all he's got")

Also, check out the "line-o-rama" and the gag reel...because they are equally hilarious. My personal favorite is when the doctor screams at Seth Rogen with "Go to Korea!"

It's inappropriate, it's hilarious--what more could you need?

Definitely invest in a copy of this fantastic DVD! Favorite scene is below:

Now I'm off to a screening of Lars and the Real Girl -- hopefully it'll be equally as entertaining.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Only a bit sad

You know what's sad? ...when you've spent a month working on a song that describes your state of mind, and then you hear one that describes it so much better than you ever could.

My best friend recently burned a CD for me of a new broadway show in previews called, "I Love You Because" My favorite song in the entire show is called, "Alone" and it truly describes my state of mind for the past...I'd say 7 years (no...seriously).

Lyrics, go:

Remember that night when I met you, when you both hung out here in the bar?
I said to my friend there I bet you, those two they won't make it very far!
He couldn't discuss any topic...he could've chosen: baseball, football, croquet.
So why'd he have to choose her?
What a lame, pathetic loser.
You don't need him anyway!

Alone you are better off--trust me it's true!
You don't need him there to always care about every little thing that you do.
Alone means that your life plans aren't always set in stone.
Trust me! --you're better off alone...right?


Hey, you ready to go?

This is my friend...uhh...Marcie. She's rediscovering single hood!

WELCOME BACK! Maybe one night you were thinking, I'll stay in and give nichi a stab. Then again...I could just go out drinking until I puke in the back of a cab!

People would say Marcie that's stupid..you are better than that!

But hey! --now his opinion doesn't matter, go ahead and do the latter! You don't need him anyway! Alone you do want never what he wants instead--

Not up each night in a stupid fight--when the two of us should both be in bed.

Alone means you never swoon at the smell of his cologne...Cause that's just stupid...You're better off alone, right?

Yeah...stupid Old Spice!

Alright? We're going to get going...good luck!

Well, we work in a bar...We're pretty much therapists who ENCOURAGE you to drink!

One day I might land a meeting with a man who takes photos in France. I don't need someone begging and pleading, "Honey, stay and give our love a chance!" I'll go wherever I want to--I won't stay where I don't want to stay. I'll leave tomorrow or whenever, and I might just stay forever--I don't need him anyway!

Alone means I'll never be so blinded by romance. I can act on a whim, not have to check with him...like six or seven months in advance. Alone means I'm never hurt; this is what this night has shown. I think it's clear to see...I'm better off alone.

I need him anyway. More than any man I've ever known...Feeling hurt with him is better than feeling free alone.

God damned musicals. How true you are.

One day soon I will write an upbeat entry...I promise! --and have nothing to do with the male species WHAT SO EVER.