Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How cute were we?

Tripp Lake reminiscing is the only thing making me happy right now, so...I'm doing some. Enjoy the randomness of the pictures.

I can't believe this was 4 years ago. It seems like yesterday. This is me and Lizzy on our Winter Weekend in 2003. I think I had a bit too much fun playing with the contrast and color, but whatevs.

Oh, the video shack. Too many good times were spent in there. One tiny room: me, Chip...now you understand why I got into film, haha.

Me and my favorite boys...Woods 4 boys, that is. I never laugh as hard as I do when I'm singing with Chris J, or being completely ridiculous with Chip...clearly.

I can't freaking wait for CCR: NY!!!!
Wish you could be a part of this, right?....YEAHHHH. Can't wait.

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