Friday, October 5, 2007

Oh the anger!

So, I'm extremely angry right now. I feel like if this had happened to me over the usmmer, I would just be sad...but now I've moved past the year mark, and I'm just angry. And...I wish I could vent about it to this fun little blog, but...I feel like that would be counter productive to my life. So, instead, I'm going to pull a "High Fidelity" and do a top 5 angriest songs list:

5. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
4. Unwanted - Avril Lavigne (what?...don't judge me.)
3. Eminem - Kim
2. Godsmack - Awake
1. Bob Dylan - Masters of War (when in doubt: blame it on the man)

Yeah.....those will help. A LOT. That, and probably a very long singing session in the car tomorrow when I wake up.


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